5 Ways I Want to Help My Audience

I want to help my audience (other moms) with leading a happy fulfilling life and making all their desire’s a reality. I want to help them on their personal development journey, figuring out who they are and want they want to do with their lives, heal generational wounds so they can raise the vibration of the planet and when they leave this planet, they leave it better than when they were on it, for their children and beyond.

The way that I want to do this is to guide them on manifestation, energy healing, Human Design, productivity, and self-love.


1.       Manifestation

We’ve all heard the word manifestation; especially Law of Attraction but what is manifestation really? Manifestation is making something intangible, a thought or an idea, that turns into something real.

Throughout our lives we are always wanting something. As a kid, it was a new toy; as a teenager, having your first car; as an adult it’s having a fulfilling career, marriage, family, and home. Some desires come to fruition more easily while others take longer or are harder to achieve.

With this blog, I will write all about manifesting so that those desires can start to come to fruition with ease.


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2.       Energy Healing

Energy healing is the concept that we don’t just have a body, but we also have an energetic body and when something is disrupted in our energetic body, it manifests into our physical body. Examples of this can be emotional or physical trauma, injury, negative thoughts and feelings, malnutrition, destructive lifestyle, unhealthy relationships, and so on. 

On the flip side, when your energies are balanced then you can experience relaxation, increased vitality, increased confidence, develop stronger and healthier relationships with loved ones. The benefits can go on and on and I’m here to help you to align with better health and well-being.

3.       Human Design

Human Design is something I recently discovered, and I fell into a rabbit hole with. This really helps you to understand who you are and gives you the aha moments of why you’ve been acting the way you’ve been acting your whole life, plus it shows you how to start aligning with yourself at a soul level so that you can experience greater joy, ease, and abundance.  It’s essentially a roadmap of you.

Human Design can be complicated but I’m here to guide you to understand your own Human Design without all the complications.


4.       Productivity

We are all busy, I get it! I’m a mom of two with a business. Routines, organization, and time management are keys to feeling like you have ease in your life. When you don’t, there’s so much stress and overwhelm. So, I’ll be writing about tips on how to organize your work/family life so that we don’t have to be that hot mess anymore and we get to feel more centered and happier.

Plus, I have an Etsy shop where I have planners and journals. This will help you plan your day and execute it with intention and efficiency.



4.       Productivity

We are all busy, I get it! I’m a mom of two with a business. Routines, organization, and time management are keys to feeling like you have ease in your life. When you don’t, there’s so much stress and overwhelm. So, I’ll be writing about tips on how to organize your work/family life so that we don’t have to be that hot mess anymore and we get to feel more centered and happier.

Plus, I have an Etsy shop where I have planners and journals. This will help you plan your day and execute it with intention and efficiency.

5.       Self-love


This topic is so important but as moms, we seem to overlook this. We think that we should give everything to our kids first, but we need to fill our cup first. Like how the flight attendant tells us to put our oxygen masks first then help others, we need to do the same thing for ourselves. We can’t fill someone else up if our cup is empty.

So, what does self-love actually mean?

It means appreciating everything you do. Give yourself grace when something goes wrong. Loving yourself unconditionally. Would you ever tell your kids they’re horrible and stupid and bring them down? No! So, why do we do this all the time to ourselves when we make a mistake.

Let’s build each other up!



So, there are 5 ways that I can help you. I want to help you turn your dreams into reality; align with better health and well-being; help you understand who you truly are, become more organized and productive, and create unconditional self-love so that you have a happier, fulfilled life.

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