I guide spiritual women on how to manifest their dream life using a simple step-by-step process that they can apply over and over again to create a life they love.

How did I get here?

Well, back in 2012 my life was a complete mess. I was separated from my then-husband, in a pile of debt, totally unfulfilled with my career. I felt like I was drowning. Then I came upon a quote:

Holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.

- Buddha

And I knew that I couldn’t continue living the way I did. I’ve seen first-hand what this looked like and I didn’t want to become like that; someone bitter. I wanted to show my kids that I was a good role model wanted to show them what real love looked like and what it was like to live a purposeful fulfilling life.

Since 2015, I’ve done so many things to improve myself. Hired a coach, became an energy healer in different modalities, a certified Law-of-Attraction Life Coach, Desire Factor Life Coach, and Human Design Reader; building a business I love.

And when my life turned around I wanted to show others how they can turn their lives around too.

Here’s How We Can Work Together:


For those of you who know that a personal one-on-one touch is for you. You get private coaching that addresses all of your questions plus dedicated attention to you and your desires.


For those who know that they like working in a group environment where they learn from other people’s experiences and takeaways and enjoy sharing with others that are on a similar journey.


Desires Turned into Reality

If you’ve ever lived on autopilot feeling unfulfilled, hoping and wishing for something more, you’re in the right place.

Through the Desire Factor Coaching program, you will identify the area you want to manifest most, learn how to use mind, body, and emotion together, and learn the step-by-step process of how to manifest.

So whether you’re trying to manifest $100, your soulmate, or your dream home I can help.

What People Are Saying


“Cheryl is an amazing supporter! Through her coaching, she has been a listening ear and provided me with guidance on a range of different topics that helped me move my life forward.

She continually helps me move from feeling stuck to seeing the possibilities!

— Shelley, Canada

“It was amazing to me that she pointed out things that I didn't realize that I was battling with in the first place. I was able to let go of feelings I had pent up inside that I didn't know I felt in the first place. She immediately made me feel safe, which also allowed for me to "be" in the moment and vulnerable to what I was feeling about certain things in my life.”

— Irene, Canada

Fun Facts

A few years ago, I was a dancing addict. Back in 2017 I was on 4 dance teams and traveled across Canada to perform.

A few years ago, I was a dancing addict. Back in 2017 I was on 4 dance teams and traveled across Canada to perform.

The most important people in my life - my soulmate and my kids. My hubby is actually someone I knew in high school but we didn’t reconnect until 20 years later.

The most important people in my life - my soulmate and my kids.

My hubby is actually someone I knew in high school but we didn’t reconnect until 20 years later.


My name’s actually MABUGAT-PESTANO

Mabugat was always too hard to pronounce and a lot of people would transpose letters of my maiden name so I decided to shorten it to Mab.

I also have another business as a virtual assistant, cherylpestano.com helping heart-centered solopreneurs with general administrative virtual assistant tasks and Pinterest marketing.


My Why Behind it All:

I believe in making changes from within and I believe the best way to have that is by loving yourself unconditionally and tapping into your intuition. When you do this you know exactly who you are, what you stand for, and what you deserve so you can start living the life you dream of and desire.