Turn Your Desire Into Reality!

Master the Desire Factor Principles to Access Unlimited Abundance and Well-Being and Create Your Desires!

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Everyone Has Desires. Not Everyone Knows How To Create Their Desires.

What is your heart’s desire?

Do you want to learn how to bring your desires to fruition?

There is a step-by-step process that when done in a coaching environment turbo-charges your ability to manifest your desires.

Experience working with a certified Desire Factor Coach who will help you move through each of the important and essential steps to creating your desires with ease, flow, and fun.

No matter what desire you have, whether it is to create:

  • better health & wellbeing

  • greater abundance

  • unlock your creativity

  • attract a partner

  • become a more patient and centered partner

  • launch your own business

  • start a family

  • or anything else you desire

A trained and certified Desire Factor Coach can help you turn your desire into reality!

I offer one-on-one coaching or group coaching. The coaching is an eight-week process. You will meet with me once a week for eight weeks, and witness yourself become more grounded, centered, peaceful, powerful, and fulfilled.

And, whether you choose individual or group coaching - each works a bit differently - one is private, and the other you benefit from a healthy group dynamic.

I will provide you with processes, tools, meditations, activities, accountability, and more. In between sessions, you will have “fun” homework - tasks that you commit to doing at whatever frequency you like, that help you along the way - such as meditations, commitments to take action, and other inspirations that come along.

Witness Your Desires Materialize Right Before Your Eyes!

The Desire Factor coaching experience is a comprehensive, rich “decoder ring” for learning how to manifest what you’ve been wanting. It is based on the 7 Essential Universal Laws, such as the law of attraction and the law of sufficiency and abundance.

The Desire Factor coaching experience is a comprehensive, rich “decoder ring” for learning how to manifest what you’ve been wanting. It is based on the 7 Essential Universal Laws, such as the law of attraction and the law of sufficiency and abundance.


My Own Desire Factor Story

Through Christy and the Quantum Council’s book, “The Desire Factor,” I was given the privilege to be one of 50 Desire Factor Coaches. Through this certification process, I was mentored by Christy and was able to experience the Desire Factor principles myself. Each time I would go through the exercises and meditations I always felt so relaxed, calm, and confident knowing that what I desire is on its way.

I’ve always known that my purpose is to help people; my desire was to leave my unfulfilling 9 to 5 job but I didn’t know how or what to do. There were many years of soul-searching, a lot of growth and healing that I had to overcome, and after I became certified I took the leap and created my own life coaching & energy healing business and virtual assistant business.

If I can fulfill my dreams, you can too. I can help!


What Is Included

You choose the coaching format that is ideal for you.

Individual (1:1) coaching is for you if you prefer a more intimate, one-on-one setting with your coach where your desires are the primary focus. For example, if:

You prefer a private coaching experience that addresses your questions and focuses on you for an hour per week for 8 sessions to deepen your understanding of and the application of the 7 principles

  • You desire the time to share your own personal journey in confidence with your coach

  • You appreciate the dedicated attention to you and your desires

  • You choose to invest your resources in a private session as you know that you will continue to refine your growth with your coach



Choose group coaching if you prefer a group-oriented approach that allows you to work with your desires while also learning from others’ experiences and takeaways. For example, if:

  • You enjoy learning about yourself and you learn from others as you all grow together in your journey

  • You feel energized with the synergy and momentum that is created within a group and trust the coach and the group to hold your vision and what you share in confidence

  • You are willing to invest your time for 90 minutes a week for 8 sessions to deepen your understanding of and the application of the 7 principles

  • You choose to invest your resources in shared time with a coach and know that you will continue to refine your growth with your coach and from the inspiration from the group dynamics


Special Bonus To Help You Turn Your Desire Into Reality!


Free Desire Factor Book By Christy Whitman

The Desire Factor book will be shipped to you once you sign up for 1:1 or group coaching.


10 Energy Healing package ($728 value)

Get my 10 energy healing sessions with me to help heal, relax, improve your well-being, & be balanced.


2 Human Design Readings ($188 value)

Get your level 1 reading and your level 2 reading done so you have a better understanding of who you are and how you’re meant to operate in this world.

What is Desire Factor Coaching… And How Can It Impact Your Life?

A note from Christy and The Council…

Desire Factor Coaching is having a Certified Desire Factor Coach guide you either in a one-on-one or group experience that is personal, confidential, and sacred. It will guide you to ascend in every area of your life — helping you realize your desires. Whether that’s personal or professional, relationship, financial or well-being desires.

We want to help you go beyond the obstacles or blocks in thought, beliefs, emotions and energy so that you can be in a place you know and feel in your heart you are designed to be.

We want you to succeed and Desire Factor Coaches hold that vision and more for you.

That is our mission.

I personally selected these coaches from the thousands of coaches I have certified since founding the Quantum Success Coaching Academy. They are my top, elite, most highly-trained coaches who are ready now to support you.

  • Having a coach is a transformational process where together we come up with solutions to your obstacles that will lead you to living a healthier, happier lifestyle.

  • As your personal life coach, your coach will work with you as we look at your current situation and help you align with the 7 success principles for creating desires so you can live from your powerful creative aspect of yourself.

  • We will encourage you every step of the way during your journey with either our one-on-one weekly individual or group sessions (depending on what path you choose) so you can become masterful of each situation, circumstance and form in your life.

  • Desire Factor Coaches help you deepen your relationship with yourself, and get closer to your Divine Self.

The Desire Factor’s one-on-one life coaching program, and group coaching programs are designed to maximize your infinite potential and assist you to transform into your having it all life.

We would love to be part of your journey with your Divine as you master your desires!

Christy and The Council