Stop the self-sabotage,

heal, discover your true self,

and manifest a life you’ve

always dreamed of!

The no-fluff manifestation process!

From banging your head against the wall with not getting your way, again, to becoming a master manifester, turning all your desires into reality.

Work With Me


Desire Factor Coaching

Do you hear the term ‘manifest’ often but have no idea where to even start? As a Desire Factor Coach, I can show you a step-by-step process on how to turn any desire into physical form.

Energy Healing

Are you self-sabotaging? Do you have blocks that, no matter what you do, you seem to keep repeating over and over again? Are you feeling anxious or stressed? As an energy healer, trained in several healing modalities, I can help you feel energized, balanced, and at zen again.

Human Design

Want to learn more about yourself? Human Design helps to recognize your unique gifts and to help you align to your personal blueprint so you can lead a fulfilled life and be in alignment with your true authentic self.


Hello, Beautiful Souls!


Hey! I’m Cheryl!

I’m an energy healer and life coach. I help spiritual women overcome their blocks and learn how to manifest properly by getting down to the root cause of their self-sabotaging ways and giving them the tools to manifest their desires with a simple step-by-step process.

If you’ve ever tried to manifest something and it didn’t work, plus you’re completely confused and frustrated with the whole manifestation process, you’re in the right place. I’m a Human Design Reader, Certified Energy Healer, Certified Law of Attraction Coach, and Certified Desire Factor Coach. I’ve been able to manifest small things (like a Dyson hairdryer) to big things (like marrying my soulmate).

When you work with me, you’ll discover who you are at a soul level, break free from your limiting beliefs, and manifest what your heart desires.

What People Are Saying


“I was able to navigate through my choices and really think about what I wanted for myself. I gained a lot of clarity. She kept me focused and by the end of our sessions, that vision I held came true.”

— Claire, Canada

“My sessions with Cheryl focused on manifesting and gave me the practical tools to do this. She gave me all the support to shift my mindset to set up a successful and thriving business.”

— Marie, Canada


I’d love to show you how you can transform your dreams into reality.


Quantum Success Coaching Academy, Law of Attraction Certification
Certified Reiki Master, Energy Healer